Course offerings
The courses offered by the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation aim to support entrepreneurial decision-making and to develop entrepreneurial skills among students. For this purpose, we currently host two chairs: The Chair of HRM & Intrapreneurship Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Isidor and the Chair of Entrepreneurship & Digital Business Models Prof. Dr. Matthias Baum. As of the 21/22 Winter Semester, the new junior professorship Social Entrepreneurship of Prof. Dr. Eva Jakob has been added. A professorship for Entrepreneurial Behaviour is currently being planned.
Number | Sem. Hours | Type | Name | Lecturer |
Here you can find the chairs of the University of Bayreuth that are linked to the institute:

Junior Professorship for Social Entrepreneurship – Prof. Dr. Eva Jakob
The goal of the Junior Professorship Social Entrepreneurship is to enable young people to act in a socially entrepreneurial way. Social entrepreneurial competencies are important to find solutions to our social challenges (e.g. climate change or loneliness). Thus, the knowledge and related competences in the field of social entrepreneurship are essential for future social entrepreneurs and researchers, but also for people who later work in existing companies, organizations, authorities, or as "regular" founders. Learn more...

Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship - Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Isidor
The Chair of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship at the University of Bayreuth is concerned in its teaching and research not only with conveying and developing basic knowledge in the field of Human Resource Management & Intrapreneurship, but also with gaining insights for practice. In doing so, we follow the "evidence-based management" principle and base our recommendations on the best possible scientific evidence. Learn more...

Chair of Entrepreneurship & Digital Business Models - Prof. Dr. Matthias Baum
Entrepreneurship involves proactive, risk-taking, and innovative behaviour. Students learn how entrepreneurial opportunities are created, explored, and exploited, and how to structure and evaluate such opportunities. Furthermore, students are provided with an understanding of the unique characteristics of starting, operating, and growing a young business. Our teaching is designed to foster entrepreneurial decision-making and develop entrepreneurial skills among students. Therefore, our students learn to plan entrepreneurial activities, to develop successful (digital) business models, to walk the path from an idea to an innovative company, as well as to manage and grow their own business. Learn more...